Gestão Federal e o enfrentamento à pandemia do novo Coronavírus no Brasil: o que a mídia jornalística tem a dizer?
Federal government and the management of the Coronavirus pandemic in Brazil: what does the news media have to say?
The journalistic media is a space for the production of different health conditions and production of subjectivities, being the object of research of this article. Emerged in mid-December 2019 in China, the Covid-19 pandemic has become the target of great repercussion in the media, given the magnitude of the disease for the world population. As the main objective, we sought to answer how the digital journalistic media has conveyed the news about the federal management regarding the confrontation of the Coronavirus pandemic, in a newspaper with large circulation in Brazil. The methodology used was qualitative with descriptive content analysis, based on the method proposed by Laurence Bardin. The main results of the study seem to point out that the management of the pandemic at the federal level presented a lag in the planning of strategies, resulting in disarticulation of actions between federative entities, delay in transferring funds, lack of supplies and ICU beds in some cities, non-recognition of the severity of the disease, distrust of vaccination and even a false dilemma between economics and health.Downloads
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