Color the way of SUS: implementation of the integral health line for the LGBTI+ population in the city of Mossoró/RN.


  • Ialy Virgínia De Melo Baía



This article aims to describe the implementation process of the health care line of the LGBTT+ population in the municipality of Mossoró RN. In addition, it seeks to present the elaboration of a timeline of the implementation of the ambulatory, carried out through a participatory workshop based on the precepts of Popular Education. As for the methodological aspects, it was guided by the experience report method, since, according to Ludke, Cruz and Boing1 the ER is not only an academic research report, but also a record of lived experiences. The experience report as a written expression of experiences allows the production of knowledge and discussion and reflection on what was experienced. The population participating in the process of creating the timeline exposed in this study were LGBTI+ people involved in the implementation process of the ambulatory, social movements and social organizations, multiprofessional residents, people from the municipal and state health management of Rio Grande do Norte, and patients of the service. It is expected, from the written reflections, to broaden the discussion of the SUS as a rights' affirmor and a space that promotes visibility to specific populations. It is also expected to disseminate what has been experienced and accomplished in the health field, such as the inclusion of the LGBTI+ population in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, so that other spaces can visualize the possibility and relevance of an equitable service.   Keywords: Public Health; LGBTQIA+ people; Multiprofessional Residency in Health.  

Author Biography

Ialy Virgínia De Melo Baía

Me chamo Ialy, sou graduada em psicologia e especialista em Atençao Básica, saúde da família e comunidade pela UERN. Sou pesquisadora da área da saúde, especialmente às pautas voltadas à população LGBTI+.



How to Cite

De Melo Baía, I. V. (2022). Color the way of SUS: implementation of the integral health line for the LGBTI+ population in the city of Mossoró/RN. aúde m edes, 8(sup2), 103–125.