O perfil discente e desempenho acadêmico de universitários em tempos de pandemia Covid-19

The student profile and academic performance of university students in times of the Covid-19 pandemic





The objective of this study was to evaluate the profile and performance of health course students in times of the Covid-19 pandemic in a public university located in the interior of the Amazon. This is a descriptive-quantitative study, carried out by means of an online questionnaire with 50 academics aged 18 to 52 years in the period from September to November 2021. The results showed that most of the participating students were women (82%), with a marital status of single (76%) and a monthly income of up to two minimum wages (62%). During the pandemic the participants managed to maintain their physical activities at least three times a week (42%) and most of them (66%) did not have a job. Regarding health issues the results showed that the academics (60%) did not test positive for Covid-19 until November 30, 2021 and did not require sick leave and/or hospitalization (76%). Regarding academic performance, they reported (62%) having space for home study, the use of cell phones to attend classes (50%) through wifi (68%). It was verified that the greatest difficulty of the academics was related to the understanding of the contents in the virtual classroom. From the results, we conclude that the pandemic moment caused by the new coronavirus affected the way of teaching-learning of these students and brought important challenges that influenced the academic performance.



How to Cite

Pereira da Silva , Ádria, Luiz Silva da Costa , T. ., de Aguiar Valentim, L. ., & Smidt Celere Meschede, M. (2023). O perfil discente e desempenho acadêmico de universitários em tempos de pandemia Covid-19: The student profile and academic performance of university students in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. aúde m edes, 9(1), 3958. https://doi.org/10.18310/2446-4813.2023v9n1.3958



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