Academia da Saúde Programme and morbidity and mortality to main four causes non-communicable diseases (NCD), in the State of Goiás, between 2015 to 2020
Academia da Saúde Program and morbi-mortality to main four causes of non-communicable diseases (NCD), in the State of Goiás
Objective: to analyze morbidity and mortality indicators related to the implementation of the Academia da Saúde Programme, in the State of Goiás, between 2015 to 2020. Methods: Observational-ecological study, having as aggregate unit the municipalities of the state of Goiás (n=246), with a secondary database, using data on hospitalization and mortality from the four main causes of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and installation of poles of the Academia da Saúde programme. Descriptive and inferential analysis were adopted. Results: Sustained increase in the implementation of centers of the Academia da Saúde Programme, a slight decrease in hospitalization rates and stability in the mortality rate, with a negative correlation between the number of centers implemented and the hospitalization rate (r= -0.834; p=0.039). Conclusion: It is assumed that programs and actions of this level are necessary, but in an articulated, integrated and integrative way, aiming not only to face CNCDs, but to create more human, sustainable and healthy environments, territories and cities.
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