Potencialidades e desafios da formação em programas de residência em saúde mental realizados integralmente em serviços abertos e de base comunitária
Potential and challenges of training in mental health residency programs carried out entirely in open and community-based services
The multiprofessional residency in health is considered a strategic training modality for the qualification of professionals in the field of collective health and a privileged space for training for work in the Unified Health System. In the field of mental health, it is presented as a bet to strengthen practices from the perspective of psychosocial care, especially when the psychiatric hospital is not used as a training setting. In this article, training for mental health work is discussed based on the perception of former residents of two mental health residency programs carried out entirely in open and community-based services of the psychosocial care networks of two municipalities in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte/MG. In-depth interviews were conducted with eight former residents from different professional categories, who completed their training between 2012 and 2016. In the light of productions in the field of psychosocial care, the information that emerged was analyzed in three major themes: training in and on the network; theoretical support for the training course; effects on the subjectivities and trajectories of the interviewees. We found that the most potent spaces of psychosocial care are also the most potent spaces for training in mental health.
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