O que dizem usuários(as) do Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família sobre sua atuação clínica, pedagógica e sanitária: uma revisão integrativa

What the users of Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família say about its clinical, pedagogical and health performance: an integrative review





This study systematized articles that describe the perspective of users of the Unified Health System on the clinical, pedagogical and health work developed by the Expanded Nucleus of Family Health. An integrative review of scientific articles was carried out with a time frame from 2009 to 2021. Searches carried out in the CAPES, VHL and SciELO databases. Application of analysis of inclusion and exclusion criteria, new articles were identified for thematic identification: after the analysis of five cores of inclusion of meaning access to health care; autonomy and quality of life; comprehensiveness of care; es in the implementation of the NASF. The studies retrieved signaled that, although the users do not nominally recognize the NASF, there is recognition of the professional categories working in this device. There is scope for reaching the most varied multidisciplinary activities, in addition to the identification of increased autonomy and quality of life, and also the recognition of some nuances that are impediments to a full implementation of the policy and the suggestions that are interposed. In this way, the user perceives the benefits and challenges of this action in living, and should be involved in the process of strengthening and guaranteeing the continuity of the policy, especially in a scenario of underfunding.



How to Cite

Ferreira de Almeida, R., & de Oliveira Cordeiro , G. . (2023). O que dizem usuários(as) do Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família sobre sua atuação clínica, pedagógica e sanitária: uma revisão integrativa: What the users of Núcleo Ampliado de Saúde da Família say about its clinical, pedagogical and health performance: an integrative review. aúde m edes, 9(3), 3780. https://doi.org/10.18310/2446-4813.2023v9n3.3780



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