Percepção de pessoas com sofrimento psíquico relacionado ao uso de drogas sobre o desenho temático em Arteterapia com sua história de vida

Perception of people with psychological distress related to drug use on thematic drawing in Art therapy with their life story




Objective: To understand, in the perception of drug addicts, the relationship between the design of the bridge and their life story and their illness process, as well as knowing the profile of these participants. Method: Descriptive and exploratory research with a mixed approach. In the qualitative analysis, the phenomenological analysis carried out with 108 drug addicts was explored, through a thematic design, in a Psychosocial Care Center in the Federal District. They participated in a unique and individual focal Art therapy intervention and answered a questionnaire about the thematic design and the profile of the participants. The content of the verbal speeches expressed from the drawings made by the users in each thematic unit was added. Results: There was a predominance of young-adult alcoholic men, with low education, without fixed income and single. From the analysis of the speeches, several peculiarities about the phenomenon were presented and understood by the thematic categories on the design of the bridge, namely: (a) strategy revealing memories of the past; (b) effective collaboration in understanding users' therapeutic processes; (c) projection of the current behavior of drug addicts in the face of life/bridge; (d) strategy to promote the crossing to rebuild a better life; and (e) no relationship to the emotional expression of drug addiction. Conclusion: In view of the benefits of using the bridge design in Art Therapy with drug addicts, it is believed that this strategy should be inserted into routine mental health care and, therefore, carried out systematically during humanized and creative assistance at the Psychosocial Care Center.

Author Biography

Angélica Rosane Bezerra dos Anjos, Universidade de Brasília

Graduanda de Enfermagem da UnB



How to Cite

Afonso Valladares-Torres, A. C., & Bezerra dos Anjos, A. R. (2023). Percepção de pessoas com sofrimento psíquico relacionado ao uso de drogas sobre o desenho temático em Arteterapia com sua história de vida : Perception of people with psychological distress related to drug use on thematic drawing in Art therapy with their life story. aúde m edes, 9(1), 3855.



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