Monitoring the frequency of exams related to the health of women and/or men in primary care

Monitoring the frequency of exams related to the health of women in Primary Care




We have observed that the cancer screening based on cytopathological examination and mammography is one of nurse´s activities in primary health care. In our health territory, some womens never have done the Papanicolaou test or they do not return to receive the results, causing treatment delay.  We identified the need to create an instrument to help women with regard to the frequency of exams, encouraging popular participation in health care. In this regard, the objective is to report the experience of creating a card to guide and control the frequency of exams to detect breast and cervical cancer and the insertion and distribution of the instrument during a collective educational action in the Health unit. We carried out meetings to identify the points to be addressed in the card and bibliographic reviews on the subject. The instrument entitled in portuguese “Cartão Rastreio câncer de mama e de colo uterino” has space for identifying the patient, explaining the frequency of exams and a healthy lifestyle. We have assigned pages to the professional to fill in related to the screening tests performed by this patient throughout her life. We conclude that the instrument provides the best monitoring of preventive measures and mammograms performed and contributes to professional performance.



How to Cite

Luísa Torres Duque , B. ., Freitas Küster, L., Gomes Nascimento, J., Teixeira da Costa, F. ., Nascimento do Prado, T. ., Maia Martins Sales, C. ., & Serra Lazarini, W. (2023). Monitoring the frequency of exams related to the health of women and/or men in primary care: Monitoring the frequency of exams related to the health of women in Primary Care. aúde m edes, 9(3), 4136.



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