The role of the multidisciplinary team in patient safety: an integrative review




Objective: To identify how patient safety assists in the performance of the multidisciplinary team during patient care. Methods: This is an Integrative Literature Review conducted in October 2023, based on scientific publications indexed in the Virtual Health Library database, especially in the Nursing Library and in Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, using the descriptors: "Patient Safety" AND "Knowledge Management" AND "Patient Care Team". Results: Eight articles were used that addressed the research question, in which it was possible to verify the need for permanent education on the subject in question to improve the performance of the multidisciplinary team. Conclusion: Therefore, it is recommended that more investments in continuing education be made to improve health care focused on a culture of patient safety.   Keywords: Patient Safety; Knowledge Management; Patient Care Team.



How to Cite

De Assis Ribeiro, J., Aline Cabral Formigosa, L., José Lobato Leão, S., Carvalho Santana, L., & Imbolloni Farias de Franco, M. G. (2024). The role of the multidisciplinary team in patient safety: an integrative review. aúde m edes, 10(2), 4385.



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