Reflection and knowledge regarding safety insurance in the production of health care: repercussions on the daily lives of workers in a public hospital.

Prevention and protection of accidents at work in the health care: reflections and repercussions on the daily lives of workers in a public hospital




Qualitative study with the purpose to analyze the perception from the workers public hospital according to aspects that influence on the prevention of accidents and guarantee of safety in the production of health care. Data was collected through interviews and systematized according to the logic of content analysis and discussed in the light of critical hermeneutics. The findings show that those professionals understand the topic in multiple dimensions; they identify that the hospital provides specific actions for this approach; recognize that personal exposure to risk, accident, or knowledge of the occurrence, besides of being multi-causal, influences the change in their work process and brings repercussions to the daily life of their family and social life. They pointed that other institutional approaches that contemplate the workers subjective and cognitive demands in addition to the institutional culture and environment are still necessary.

Author Biographies

Ana Clara Lopes Costa

Luzia Sandra de Paula

Edson Malvezzi



How to Cite

Lopes Costa, A. C., de Paula, L. S., & Malvezzi, E. (2023). Reflection and knowledge regarding safety insurance in the production of health care: repercussions on the daily lives of workers in a public hospital.: Prevention and protection of accidents at work in the health care: reflections and repercussions on the daily lives of workers in a public hospital. aúde m edes, 9(3), 4163.



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